Bird Feeders

This started while talking to my mom. She likes birds in the balcony, but doesn’t like pigeons (they’re messy). So I made a small bird feeder. Two versions of feeders for small birds. One with a roof, one simply hanging. Both engineered to print with minim amount of material. Such thin walls are extra complicated to 3D print nicely.


About 6 months later, with some testing, and over engineered feeder for Magpie birds was born. The first version had a stick that was FEM simulated to hold up to 10 kg (The birds weight up to 0,5kg, but I wanted it not to break if I pull it harder than I’m supposed to… the plastic is super strong, it was a thin piece…)

After watching the Magpies eat, I noticed they prefer to eat from the top of the feeder and don’t like to sit on the stick. So, I made another version. And this one works great. Magpies love it.

If you would like to try and print a magpie feeder, you can find it here: